Hello there lovely people! 
A couple of days ago I was tagged by the lovely Tania Michele, to do the Sisterhood of the World Bloggers tag. Here is her post make sure to check it out. I'll be answering some questions then tagging a few fellow bloggers & give them some questions.  
Let's get to it!

One.  Where is your favorite place to go with friends?
This is actually hard to answer...Okay, as cheesy as it sounds there is not really a specific place, just as long as we are together. I love it when we don't have a definite plan & just see where the day takes us, I have made some of my favorite memories from adventures like this. 

Two. What celebrity would you love to meet?
So many to choose from, the list is endless! at this moment I would say Connor Franta. He is very wise yet so young & there is so much I can learn from him. I would love to sit down for coffee & have a long conversation about life with him, I feel like we would get along well & besides I can get tips for my terrible Instagram. 

Three. Fave drugstore makeup brand?
 Maybe it's, Meybelline! All jokes aside Maybelline is probably my favorite it's the brand I started with & I still use many of their products now, specially their mascaras & concealers, I stay loyal by heart.

Four. Last holiday destination?
I just came back from a little weekend holiday from Ruidoso, New Mexico, it is a beautiful town up in the forest mountains. I had a really lovely time, I wrote post about it too, here

Five. If you could be an animal, what animal would you be?
I love this question! I could say a bird, having that my first mane is one & it would be amazing to fly but I would love to be a dog. I know it's strange but I love the fact that you can be taken care of by also taking care of someone, I think I would really enjoy it.

Six. What time of year do you love the most?
Christmas time of course! I do love Spring time too, but there is just something about the holiday season I just love. 

Seven. Do you currently have a job? If yes, where?
I am currently not working, but I am thinking of starting to apply for one really soon. 

Eight. Fave book you've ever read?
Oh! I have read many great books but nothing compares to the Harry Potter series. They are my favorite I reread them again & again, I am a Potterhead at heart & always will be.

Nine. What item of clothing do you love?
Hmm...I could never go wrong with a good pair of jeans & I love my H & M  skinny jeans.

Ten. What blog post are you most proud of?
Probably my Social Anxiety in University post. The feedback was really good & it was just so nice that others can identify & relate to it after it coming from personal experience. I really love it. 

I tag these lovely humans:

My Questions:

One. What is your favorite sweet treat?
Two. What is your dream vacation? 
Three. What are your plans for the weekend?
Four. When was the last time you drove out of town? 
Five. Who would you like to see in concert?
Six. What is your song of the week?
Seven. Which TV show universe, past or present, would you love to be a part of?
Eight. What is the last item of clothing you purchased?
Nine. What is the one thing you love most about blogging?
Ten. One phrase or sentence you would say to your younger self?

If I tagged you answer the questions I gave, tag ten other bloggers & write out ten other questions from them to answer. I really enjoyed this little tag & I hope you all do as well. Have a wonderful day, wonderful people.

With Love, Celeste 
